You are the sky, and every feeling is just passing weather
Feelings are temporary, like passing clouds in the sky. Just because you feel a certain way now, doesn’t mean it will last forever. Remember, you are the sky, not the weather. You have the ability to observe and let go of your feelings without getting caught up in them.
Hard times are like clouds, they pass and the sun shines again
It’s normal to fear the future when going through tough times, but remember, hard times are temporary. Just like clouds passing to reveal the sun, difficult moments will eventually give way to brighter days. Trust that you can overcome your fears and find peace.
Tough times are like life’s exams, and passing them is a testament to your perseverance
What evidence can you find that shows your ability to handle tough times?
Tough times are like heavy clouds that pass, letting the sun shine bright again
Remember, tough times are temporary, just like passing clouds. The sun will shine bright again. This moment does not define your future. Focus on weathering the storm with strength and resilience, knowing that brighter days are ahead. You have the power to overcome challenges.